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Showing posts from March, 2018

Grizzly Rant: The Target 10 Room

The purpose of this post is to make an argument, based on experience, for designing all Rooms (especially first session Rooms) with a Target 10, using the EASY/HARD rule on the fly to adjust difficulty as needed. Note: If you are reading this, I am assuming that you either A) play ICRPG or B) know the concept of a universal target DC for an encounter. Terminology used here will be from Index Card RPG by RUNEHAMMER GAMES, LLC. I have been playing, designing and GM'ing adventures in ICRPG for a little over a year now. During my brief attempt (and subsequent failure) at launching my own business making adventure supplements, I designed and playtested multiple adventures for entry level, 6 point builds to extreme, high-powered late-game characters with 8 point builds, extra milestones and Epic Loot to start. More recently I ran the Doomvault with for my wife and sister-in law. I also played in several different games with the Ultimate Effort group GM'ed by Mike, Matt and A...

Custom Loot in ICRPG: How Insanity Creates Story

Have you ever accidentally destroyed the universe? My players might, should they mishandle their latest Kingly Gift from one of the Kings of Norburg, the Bloodstone. They just completed the Doomvault, a dungeon set under the city where the goal is to stop an ancient elder god from completing a ritual and one thing leads to another... a typical Friday night. The point is, they saved three kings and the city, so they'll get some awesome stuff, right? So I designed three amazing items of wonder that take days to recharge. One alters time. One is a powerful war totem providing armor and Hearts. And the third is the notorious Bloodstone, an item with the apparent potential to end all existence. The Bloodstone Item. EQUIPPED. Once every 3D12 days, all allies CLOSE may charge the Bloodstone with their HP up to a max one Heart of charges. Each charge used DOUBLES your Effort for one turn, 1D4 Room cooldown. The Death of Everything When first creating this item, I was thinking pla...

Grizzly Encounter Tiles: An Update (Where Have You Been??)

Hey all. For those who may have noticed, Grizzly Encounter Tiles has been on a... hiatus since November 2017. I think my last real communication with folks on Patreon and G+ might have been December of 2017. And for that, I am truly sorry. I wish I could say that I have been busy, improving the product, cranking out tons of stuff, etc. The truth is, my health took a turn for a bit and I had to turn it off. I had too many other things to deal with and this just... faded away. To my Patrons, I can't apologize enough. I will be closing my Patreon soon until I can figure out what's going on. If it ever starts back up, it will be on an entirely different plan. While brief, it was a fun experience and I thank everyone who helped to make it possible. And The Rotting Wood will soon be available on a pay-what-you-want instead of $4.99 on Announcement on G+ when that goes through. For now, I want to focus on what I love about the hobby: the crafting, the writing, ...

Make Travel a Journey Again

With the addition of WORLDS to the ever expanding library of ICRPG comes the notion of Travel, especially in the settings of Alfheim and Ghost Mountain. I find this topic fascinating, and while I was slightly disappointed to not receive an official rule on "how to travel" in WORLDS as I was expecting, I have an idea of my own that is about to be tested. I'll post an update once that happens, sometime in June. As always, ICRPG terminology from RUNEHAMMER GAMES, LLC to be used. The "Official" Rules The only real guidelines given on travel in CORE and WORLDS is that A) Supplies are consumed each day of travel (WORLDS gives more information on rate of consumption depending on location) and B) Travel between locations takes time. Based on this information, I see a couple different ways to handle travel: Destination and Journey Destination Travel This is a simple, literal interpretation of the above that is streamlined and concerned only with getting fro...