Wonder. That most illusive goal in any Game Master's heart. Might I suggest to you, dear reader, that an excellent start might be a solid soundtrack?
I am a music junkie. I love listening to good music. It moves the heart, soothes the soul, and stirs passion. I'm also a classically trained vocalist, choir director, wedding music coordinator, guitarist and bassist, amateur composer and for five years I was the founder and head of a music program for an organization off my Alma mater. When it comes to music in games, I have a soft spot for classical. However, that can get boring when overused and takes work to find appropriate pieces for all instances in a game. It also has issues, namely the movements within the piece which, while moving in themselves, do not translate well to extended gameplay sessions where things progress at different paces.
I have been experimenting with video game soundtracks. The first I tried was Dragon Age Origins because of the shared Fantasy theme, but it didn't meet all of my criteria. I found myself managing it too much. The main issue with the soundtrack is it uses different pieces for different situations, requiring me to manually change tracks mid-gameplay.
I don't like that.
So, I decided to sit back and like usual, think about what my perfect soundtrack for ICRPG would be like.
BEHOLD: GM Grizzly's Wonder through Music, the easy way!
Grizzly's Requirements for an ICRPG Soundtrack
- Simplicity of use, a.k.a., the ability to loop.
- High energy for Timer-driven game.
- Setting appropriate, i.e., draws the players into the world and action.
- Diverse yet harmonious, doesn't feel like a patchwork job when put side-to-side.
- Has tracks for multiple situations, i.e., combat, travel, rest, tension, etc..
Ladies and gentlemen, I believe I found the answer. It's a slightly older (in modern video game years) soundtrack, one I've had since the game first came out because I loved it so much. I humbly submit to you the Bastion OST as the perfect soundtrack for your ICRPG games.
- Each track is designed to loop, as it is the only piece used on any given level. And ya know what? I friggin love it.
- The music pulses with rhythm and energy, even in the "slow" pieces. Perfect to get a sense of urgency across from combat to walking through town.
- Bastion's setting is hard to pin down and the music shows. I get a sci-fi-fantasy-western vibe from most of the tracks, which if I'm not mistaken... sounds an awful lot like the canon settings for ICRPG...
- Each track is similar, yet different enough that it feels related but you can have different tracks for each Room in a given night, and across two sessions if you meet frequently. I don't think my players will get too bored of it, unless they listen to it on their own day and night.
- As demonstrated below and throughout the game Bastion itself, it has a little bit of everything. At least, everything that I currently need. Folks might disagree, but I have yet to see a complete package come closer.
The only downside is that if you monetize recorded games with this music, you fall into some copyright problems. That's not likely to be an issue for most of us though.
I've separated some of the tracks that I specifically use from it, as well as the general situations I apply them to. Give them a listen, tell me you can't feel the energy pulsing though the music.
Note: I am not affiliated with Supergiant Games in any way. This is not an advertisement. Please support the official soundtrack, link at the end.
Tunes for General Settings
Tunes for Tension
Tunes for Combat
Music is a highly subjective thing, and I know that. This has worked for me at my table. It fit the tone of the Doomvault perfectly, and players got into the zone instantly. As for me, one press of play on single track repeat for the Room, and then complete focus on runnin' the game. As it should be.
Purchase the Bastion OST here. $10 for the whole thing, and it's well worth it!
Happy Gaming.
Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThey were on Spotify and now in my playlist.
You're welcome! Rock those dulcet tones!