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A Day in the Life: a Grizzly Update

So many ideas, so little time.

Seriously. I was hit with life like a truck hits a moose. Neither comes out too well, and everything grinds to a halt. There are a myriad of projects I have in the works here at The Grizzly Rant and the Grizzly Encounter series, but these will be postponed for a bit longer.

For some bizarre reason I have yet to figure out, folks appear to enjoy my ideas and products. For that, I am blown away, humbled, and grateful. I fully intend to keep working on all of it for a simple reason:

I love Game Mastering at my table. These ideas, projects and products are things I create for my players. And with a little cleanup, they enhance our hobby and my favorite game system, Index Card RPG.

That being said, I know a scant few of y'all actually follow me (can't fathom why), so here are a few brief updates on what I am slowly working on between moving and prepping for a new classroom:

The Grizzly Rant: Idea Factory

The blog will continue faster than the Grizzly Encounter series because they are easier. However, finding the spare few moments to jot down the ideas in my brain, even the summaries of them, are difficult at the moment. Here are a few of the posts I have planned in the (hopefully) near-ish future, i.e., before the end of 2018:
  • NPCs as Loot: Companions in ICRPG
  • Jar of EVIL: Monster Classification
  • Roll20 and You: The ICRPG Way (Series)

Grizzly Encounter Series: ICRPG Game Supplements

These will take longer. Like, way longer. I have no idea anymore, so I'm going to stop giving specific estimates. The ones listed below in my GM Journal are in various stages of development; some are battle-tested, some are not. One's that are art-heavy will take a long time. 

In addition, publication is on hold as I learn to work Scribus. Creating the PDFs in Adobe Acrobat Pro is... frustrating. And getting to be expensive. And not allowing me to create the kind of product I eventually hope to put out there for y'all.

Here are the projects that are currently in some stage of production. I hope to have them published between this fall and winter of 2019. In no particular order:
  • MONSTERS VOL 1: Minion, Harbinger and Certain Doom level monsters for your players!
  • MYSTERIES: Create and run Stories as Intrigue in your Adventures and Campaigns!
  • FORCES: NPCs, Companions, and Character creation the Grizzly way!


While I disappear from time-to-time, GM Grizzly will eventually emerge from the cave like the proverbial bear from hibernation. There are many wonderful topics to discover and discuss about this system and our hobby. And as always,

Happy gaming. - GM Grizzly


  1. I know exactly what you mean buddy...ive got a ship race around a solar system my players absolutely loved and I can't seem to find the the time to put it in a google doc. or pdf. I would love to share it with the G+group. Take your time man, you'll pull through even stronger. I'm a huge fan of your supplemts cause they're streamlined in the ICRPG fashion and table ready. And as still a fairly new DM(1year now) I'll take all the tips I can get. Cheers!!!


    1. Thank you! Yeah, it takes time, even to put it in a g-doc. I do find it worthwhile, and folks like you help me keep going with publishing them. The task of the GM is tough, indeed! It's weird, but I approach it much like the engineer I spent way too long in school to become: work hard in design now to be lazy later. Keep on keeping on!

      In fact, most of what I'm doing now in my RPG space is trying to create a narrative structure generator, which is oddly different from even the LOG, DEW, DDD and Archetype system of ICRPG. Those go a long way and make a wonderfully mechanically fun game with story elements, but I want to weave story and drama back into the very marrow of the game, down to the start of creation. Lots of crazy updates to things coming, and MYSTERIES and FORCES are gonna be something else entirely!

  2. Man, John, I love your stuff! You break down major aspects of human existence into practical and engaging mechanics. I'm also really excited to read about your current projects here and on the Runehammer forums, as they've been ones which have been of interest to me! Specifically,

    - Narrative structure generator (Propp's "Morphology of the Folktale" has been useful)
    - Simplified/distilled/universal approach to stats (I've been using the template of Enneagram and similarly arrived at "body [STR DEX] / mind [INT WIS] / spirit [CHA CON]").

    This work has been done to the end of identifying universally applicable narrative and cultural tropes in an attempt to render more authentic experiences (like how would the container and content of ICRPG look if it were developed by and for a Samoan audience? What elements of travel--seafaring is huge--,the supernatural, conflict, identity, and community are meaningful enough to mechanically render? How would their approach to narrative change the system, itself?)

    Back on ICRPG specifically, what would a good approach for handing factions (warring guilds, worker uprisings, etc.?) If you've done this, have you found success CHUNKing them as an element of CIVILIZATIONS? I love how well Forged in the Dark handles them, and was wondering if you'd found a satisfactory way to render them.

    Anyway! Thanks for reading, and thank you for making available such useful content!

  3. Thanks, Chris!

    I've been thinking about factions and large scale combat for a while. The HORDE mechanic in MONSTERS VOL 1 was my experiment with CHUNKing large groups to streamline combat. My next CIV update will (hopefully) contain a section on guilds/factions.

    My plan is to CHUNK an organization (functions, perks, personnel, etc) like a building. Main difference is to create 1-3 notable NPCS from FORCES (almost done, probably out by the end of the year) and tag a ORIGIN/DESTINY to the guild or faction itself. Give guild/faction membership a benefit, history and goal as well as someone to interact with personally. Uprisings/revolts would be structured similarly. Treat the whole thing as a single entity with various powers. A Faction LOOT item could be added to PC members (like my Companions) to signify membership and grant bonuses/effects. Also helps players keep track of who they're sided with.

    Taking over or defeating a group (or inter-group conflict) would be some sort of attempt and Effort against the CHUNKS. Defeat a CHUNK and either eliminate or take it over. PCs could play to the ORIGIN or DESTINY for membership.

    Still very much in Beta, not even blog post ready. But I hope to test it next time my group lands in a city/space station.


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Things to Check Out:

Balancing in ICRPG: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Spellburn

I have a mage at my table. Her name is Sabina, the Pyromage. She has a spell that can either: Clear a Room of up to three, small (2 Heart) Enemies in one hit, or; One-shot a non-fire-resistant boss monster.  Sabina is awesome. Provided the spell doesn't explode in her face, miss... or accidentally hit her sister. Because there is another adventurer in the party. Her name is Agnes, the Twin Blade. She's pretty cool too, and her regular attack can one-shot 1-2 Heart creatures. Add the Kettish Chains' ability to re-roll on high Attempts and she easily does similar damage at close range. I love both these characters. But sometimes Agnes feels like Sabina takes the spotlight a little too much. That's on me as the GM, because Sabina has almost zero ability in STR or DEX tasks, things Agnes excels in. I need to design more STR and DEX based Effort challenges to give Agnes more screentime. Sabina can lay down some heavy covering fire. On the subject of "...


NPCs. Companions. The dreaded "GM-PC." We've all seen them. Most of us have been them. But no more! Rid thyself, O Game Master, of the shackles binding thee to eternal NPC bookkeeping! Fret not, O Player, of a new burden of which thou wilt never remember to do nor use! BEHOLD! Grizzly Encounter FORCES!  An ICRPG Supplement on Character Creation, NPCs, Companions, Villains, Kingly LOOT, and more! Estimated 2019. NOTE: TL;DR in CONCLUSION FORCES: Companions as LOOT "Companions" here mean NPCs (Non-Player Characters) that specifically follow the party for some reason. A Companion LOOT "Item" is more a conceptual thing than anything, for truly it stands for the NPC's Friendship. And Friendship is Earned, through hard work, Attempts at communication and interaction, and Effort.  In short, Companions are LOOT Chests, opened with CHA (or other STATs, depending on how they Attempt to win over the NPC). Once a PC has opened the proverbial...

CHUNKS as Story: Roleplay and Mystery in ICRPG

I was drafting the "starter session" for a city quest the other day I call "The Whispers of Madness." It's a mystery adventure. ICRPG is an inherently fast-paced game, and mystery-type adventures are notorious for grinding parties to a halt for HOURS as they attempt to solve what the Game Master thought a relatively simple mystery, what is wrong  with you idiots, make a damn Perception check already! This is mostly because mysteries tend to rely on the wits of the players, and not the player characters. And GM's are not always flawless story or mystery writers. This was something I sought to remedy. BEHOLD: GM Grizzly's Story CHUNKS I love CHUNKS . They are so versatile, and I wonder just how much so Runehammer thought they might be when he first devised them. Initially, I applied a modified version to travel , then applied the concept to buildings and towns . Through the course of developing this adventure and its story , however, I realized s...

Grizzly Rant: The Hillman WIldling Dilema (ICRPG)

There are many things separating ICRPG from other tabletop RPGs.  Right now, I'd like to write briefly about 2 of them: Effort and Loot-based classes.  This is important background information for what I really  want to get off my chest, which is an argument for running a class/race combination a certain way at your table. Effort and Loot: Effort is a system which attributes health and combat-like mechanics to non-combat tasks.  In short, it's a method of time control for the GM to employ at his or her table, effectively forcing tasks to require multiple turns and/or group "effort."   Players have four different dice they may roll to complete Effort, depending on the situation.  For more information, see ICRPG Core 1.3.3, pg 24.  For our purposes, we just need to know about two: Basic Work and Ultimate effort. Basic Effort is rolled on a d4 for any task done with bare hands.  Ultimate Effort is rolled in special occasions on a d12. ...